Tuesday, April 27, 2010

1st Blogging day - thrilled

I've finally done it. My first blogging day. I'm excited and don't know why I waited so long. It will be blog, blog, blog, not blah, blah, blah. Part of the reason for my new start in blogging is due to some positive changes in my life. Very positive changes because I am a very positive person. Even positive people can err, but to continue to err for 12 years? Wow.....I should be a bit disappointed in Chica, but....... I'm off to my new start, so no room for disappointment.

American Author/Speaker, Jerry Gillies once said "Make sure you visualize what you really want, not what someone else wants for you". So very true. This is true in so many aspects of our lives.

My first gift to myself once this week has passed will be to go back to the gym. It has been patiently waiting for me and it will need to wait no more..... I will be there ready to work out on Monday. I will have to post my regime and remind myself how well I am doing. There is no end when you are positive and have a goal.